Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

International Activities

PMDA International Vision - PMDA EPOCH Toward 2020

November 2011

Since the announcement of the PMDA International Strategic Plan, the international environment surrounding PMDA has undergone significant changes, while PMDA has accumulated further experience in various international activities. Reflecting the recent changes, the “PMDA International Vision” has been prepared in the form of concrete goals to be attained in 5–10 years in line with the PMDA International Strategic Plan. The Vision was published in November 2011.

PMDA International Vision
PMDA EPOCH Toward 2020
  As one of the world's top three medical products regulatory agencies comparable to its American and European counterparts, PMDA aims to:  
    1. Secure the highest level of Excellence in Performance in the following aspects:  
      A. Quality and speed of product reviews, safety measures, and relief services (PMDA's Safety Triangle)  
      B. Quality and quantity of regulatory science* research  
      C. Quality, quantity, and speed of information transmission to the world  
    2. Maintain a close Partnership with the Orient for the common benefit through:  
      A. Cooperation to improve the level of medical products regulation across Asia  
      B. Communication of information and opinions to the world as a member of the Asian community  
    3. Actively Contribute to International Harmonization of regulations, guidelines, and standards for the benefit of both Japan and the world.  
  To achieve the above goals, PMDA employees will need to be more internationally minded and have effective communication skills, including a good command of English. Furthermore, PMDA must develop and maintain a sound interactive partnership with foreign counterpart agencies.  
  * Regulatory science is the science that serves to regulate the fruits of technology to ensure that they assume the most desirable form in harmony with humankind and society to benefit the public and society.