Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Regulatory Science/The Science Board/Standard Development

The 5th Medical Devices Subcommittee Meeting

Press Release

Date and Time: October 18, 2013  from 2pm to 4pm

Agenda / List of Handouts

  1. Classifications of new medical devices and improved/generic medical devices, and their principles on review
  2. Concept and challenges in risk/benefit evaluation of medical devices
List of Handouts
  • Document 1 Classifications of new medical devices and improved/generic medical devices, and the differences of their review principles(Material provided by Dr. Makoto Hashizume, a member of the subcommittee)
  • Document 2 Incident cases of medical devices(Material provided by Dr. Hideo Kusuoka, a member of the subcommitte)
  • Document 3 Regulatory Science for medical devices(Material provided by Dr. Yoshihiro Muragaki, a member of the subcommittee)