Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Events and Symposia

3rd PMDA Training Seminar (DAY 2)

Topic One: Lectures of the second day

3rd PMDA Training Seminar DAY 23rd PMDA Training Seminar DAY 2

On the second day of the training seminar, there was a light rain in Tokyo.

Three lectures on Review of New Drugs, Overview of Post-marketing Safety Measures for Pharmaceuticals and Overview of Post-marketing Safety Measures for Medical Devices were delivered as the contents of today's program. In order to understand Japanese regulatory system, the questions and answers were vigorously exchanged during the lectures and also after the lectures.


Topic Two: The convivial party is held

3rd PMDA Training Seminar DAY 23rd PMDA Training Seminar DAY 2

The convivial party was held with the participants and PMDA staffs in the evening.

It was a really good occasion to deepen exchanges with each other through lively discussions different from those during the lectures, with enjoying the taste of Japanese Sushi and snacks.


Comments from participants

3rd PMDA Training Seminar DAY 2

With the surprise of Tokyo's winter ambient, it's a great opportunity for us to gain knowledge and experience about drug regulatory system in Japan, as well as to exchange information with all participants from various regulatory agencies. The special thing of this training seminar is PMDA provide on a very diligent presentations with more advance of deep discussions on post marketing safety review. We believe, this training is very useful and improves our knowledge and can be as a benchmark for our system in Indonesia.

Ms. Vemy Primastuti and Ms. Siti Asfijah Abdoellah, National Agency of Drug and Food Control (NADFC), Republic of Indonesia

Japanese View 2



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