Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Events and Symposia

Report of the PMDA-ATC Pharmaceutical Review Webinar 2020 for Drug Administration of Vietnam

PMDA-ATC Pharmaceutical Review Webinar 2020 for Drug Administration of Vietnam

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PMDA) recently completed the PMDA-Asia Training Center for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs (PMDA-ATC) Pharmaceutical Review Webinar 2020 for Drug Administration of Vietnam (DAV) on December 2, 2020. 5 regulators from DAV staff and 1 external expert joined this webinar.

The webinar opened with remarks by Mr. UZU Shinobu, Director of Asia Training Center for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs. The program of the webinar on the topic of Review of Vaccines, Review of Biosimilars and Review of Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) were provided by PMDA staff lectures. After the lecture sessions, Q&A session and case studies relevant to the topics of the lectures were held. The participants and lecturers actively engaged in discussions throughout the webinar.

At the end of the webinar, Dr. FUJIWARA Yasuhiro, Chief Executive of PMDA handed the course completion certificate to each participant virtually, and Dr. YABANA Naoyuki, International Coordination Officer gave the closing remarks.

See the program for details [121KB]

Photos and participant comments

Photo of a remark from PMDA’s representative Photo of a remark from PMDA’s representative Photo of a remark from PMDA’s representativePhoto of the participants

Comments from the participants:

“The webinar provides useful information of drug evaluation procedure and CMC of PMDA.”
“We want to learn more and detail information about the evaluation process on vaccine and biosimilar”
“A little bit general, we wish to discuss more. But, because of time limitation, PMDA has prepared very well”


Information about future PMDA-ATC Seminars

PMDA-ATC Seminars are held periodically, with a different theme for each seminar.
The Seminar announcements are posted on this website.

For any questions regarding PMDA Training Seminar, please contact us by clicking on the “Contact us” logo on top of the website, or please contact the Secretariat (E-mail: PMDA-ATC[at]

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