Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Events and Symposia

Report of the PMDA-ATC PV Webinar 2022 for FDA Philippines

PMDA held the PV (Pharmacovigilance) webinar for the Food and Drug Administration, the Republic of the Philippines (FDA Philippines) on November 21, 2022.

This webinar was designed for reviewers work in pharmacovigilance in the FDA Philippines and counted 52 participants.

In the webinar, a PMDA staff from Office of Pharmacovigilance I, Office of Pharmacovigilance II and Office of International Programs gave a lecture on GCP Inspections. A Q&A session was also held to enhance understanding of the topic.

The PMDA continuously makes efforts to strengthen collaboration with the FDA Philippines through projects such as the PMDA‐ATC for Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Regulatory Affairs.

See attached program