Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Events and Symposia

1st Brazil-Japan Seminar on Regulations on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices

※1st Brazil-Japan Seminar on Regulations on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices concluded.

概要 (Summary)


This is the first joint seminar of Brazil-Japan cooperation in the medical area on pharmaceuticals/ medical devices regulations held by PMDA and ANVISA.
It was also hosted by JETRO and ENKYO in a joint effort of the public and private, as Brazil is considered to be one of the most important countries for future market growth, etc.
The Prime Minister Abe attended this seminar, for Japan has been promoting international cooperation in the medical/healthcare area with major countries overseas under the lead of Prime Minister’s office. Presentations on regulatory topics were given by Dirceu Brás Aparecido Barbano (Director Chairman, ANVISA), Tatsuya Kondo (Chief Executive, PMDA), and many other experts from both regulatory authorities. Also, there were presentations by Koji Nakao (Chairman of JFMDA/Chairman of Terumo Corporation), Masafumi Nogimori (Chairman of FPMAJ/ Representative Director and Chairman of Astellas Pharma Inc.) and representatives of Brazilian associations of pharmaceutical/ medical devices industries.


主催 (Host):
国家衛生監督庁(Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA))
医薬品医療機器総合機構(Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency(PMDA))
日本貿易振興機構(Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO))
日伯援護協会(Beneficência Nipo-Brasileira de São Paulo (ENKYO))


日本製薬工業協会(Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association(JPMA))
日本医療機器産業連合会(Japan Federation of Medical Devices Associations (JFMDA))
日本製薬団体連合会(Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of Japan (FPMAJ))


1.日程(Date) The seminar concluded
平成 26 年8 月2 日(土)
(August 2nd) , 2014


Rosa Rosarum  Floor1  Perola

住所 Address:

Rua Francisco Leitão, 416 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP


3.参加者数(Number of the attendees):
約 300 名
approximately 300 attendees


同時通訳 日本語⇔ポルトガル語
Simultaneous translation Japanese/Portuguese


5.プログラム (Agenda

( Please click to read the presentation files )

10:30 開会
Grand Opening

日本貿易振興機構(ジェトロ)理事長 石毛博行
Hiroyuki Ishige (Chairman of JETRO)

10:45 テーマ1:日本・ブラジル医療を取り巻く最新動向および今後の協働
Theme 1: Brazil/Japan update and future collaboration in medical field
ブラジル国家衛生監督庁(ANVISA)長官 ジルセウ・バルバーノ
Dirceu Bras Aparecido Barbano (Director Chairman, ANVISA)
“General Overview of Brazilian Regulation of Health Products”
医薬品医療機器総合機構(PMDA)理事長 近藤達也
Tatsuya Kondo (Chief Executive, PMDA)
“PMDA update and International Cooperation”

ANVISA 長官 ジルセウ・バルバーノ
Dirceu Bras Aparecido Barbano

総理大臣スピーチPrime Minister’s Speech
日本国内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三
Shinzo Abe (Prime Minister, Japan)

12:00 テーマ2:医療機器・医薬品の審査効率化
Theme 2: Efficiency of product review on medical devices and pharmaceuticals

ANVISA 医療機器部門マネージャー ジョゼリート・ペドローザ
Joselito Pedrosa (Manager of Medical Devices ANVISA)
“Efficiency of product review on medical devices”

ANVISA 生物製剤部門ジェネラルマネージャー マルセロ・モレイラ
 Marcelo Moreira (General Manager of Biologics, Blood, Tissues and Cells, ANVISA)

PMDA 審議役 山田雅信
 Masanobu Yamada (Associate Center Director, PMDA)
“Efficiencey of Product Review”

(モデレーター)PMDA 国際部長 中島宣雅
Moderator: Nobumasa Nakashima (Director, Office of International Programs, PMDA)

13:00 昼食休憩 於:ペローラ
Lunch Break in Perola

14:00 テーマ3:医薬品業界トピックス
Theme 3: Topics from pharmaceutical industries

Ÿ サンパウロ州製薬工業組合(SINDUSFARMA)Vice President ラウロ・モレット
Lauro Moretto (Vice President) SINDUSFARMA
“Efficiency of product review on medical devices and pharmaceuticals”

Ÿ 日本製薬団体連合会会長 野木森雅郁(アステラス製薬会長)
Masafumi Nogimori (Chairman of FPMAJ / Representative Director and Chairman of Astellas Pharma Inc.)
“Building a New Partnership through Pharmaceuticals”

(モデレーター)ANVISA 生物製剤部門ジェネラルマネージャーマルセロ・モレイラ
Moderator: Marcelo Moreira (General Manager of Biologics, Blood, Tissues and Cells, ANVISA)

14:40 テーマ4:医療機器、医薬品の製造管理、品質管理基準監査
Theme 4: Medical devices/pharmaceuticals inspection on manufacturing and quality control standards

Ÿ ANVISA 査察管理局マネージャー補佐 ネリオ・アキノ
 Nelio Aquino, Substitute Manager for Inspection and Certification of Medical products, Raw materials, and Pharmaceuticals, ANVISA)
“Authorization and GMP Regulation”

Ÿ PMDA 安全管理監 俵木登美子
Tomiko Tawaragi (Chief Safety Officer, PMDA)
“GMP and QMS Regulation in Japan”

(モデレーター)ANVISA 公衆衛生規則部門ディレクターヘナト・ポルト
Moderator: Renato Porto (Director of Regulation on Sanitation, ANVISA)

15:50 コーヒーブレイク 於:ペローラ
Coffee Break in Perola

16:00 テーマ5:医療機器業界トピックス
Theme 5: Topics from medical devices industries

Ÿ ブラジル医療機器ハイテク産業協会(ABIMED)Executive President カルロス・グラール
Carlos Goulart (Executive President of ABIMED)
“Medical Devices Industry View”
Ÿ 日本医療機器産業連合会会長 中尾浩治(テルモ会長)
Koji Nakao (Chairman of JFMDA / Chairman of Terumo Corporation)
“Contribute to Brazilian Medicine with Japanese Medical Devices”

(モデレーター)ANVISA 国家公衆衛生監視システム調整部門ディレクタージョゼ・カルロス・モウチーニョ
Moderator: Jose Carlos Moutinho (Director for Coordination and Pronouncement of National System of Sanitary Vigilance, ANVISA)

16:40 テーマ6:薬局方
Theme 6: Pharmacopoeia

Ÿ ブラジリアン・ファルマコペイア(薬局方)President ノルベルト・ヘッキ
Norberto Rech (President of Brazilian Pharmacopoeia)

Ÿ PMDA 審議役 鹿野真弓 
Mayumi Shikano (Associate Center Director, PMDA)
"Japanese Pharmacopoeia”

(モデレーター)PMDA 国際部長 中島宣雅
Moderator: Nobumasa Nakashima (Director, Office of International Programs, PMDA)

17:20 閉会挨拶
Closing Remarks
Ÿ ANVISA 公衆衛生規則部門ディレクターヘナト・ポルト
Renato Porto (Director of Regulation on Sanitation, ANVISA)

Ÿ PMDA 理事長 近藤達也
Tatsuya Kondo (Chief Executive, PMDA)