This E-learning courses are organized for regulators only.
Registration is necessary in advance.
Class: Clinical trials
- Regulations for Clinical trials
- First-in-Human studies
- Why MRCT?
- Overview of ICH E17
- Example of Bridging Strategy
- Points of attention for consultation about MRCT from PMDA’s experience
Class: GCP
- How to Conduct GCP inspection in Japan
Class: Review
- Review Process of New Drugs
- Application Dossier
- Expedited regulatory pathways
- Points to Consider in the Evaluation of New Drug
- Review of Chemistry Manufacturing and Control (CMC)
- PMDA’s Experiences to Review MRCT Results
- Review of Orphan Drugs
- Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP)
Class: Generic Drugs
- Review of Generic drugs
- Bioequivalence Study
Class: Overview of Post Marketing Safety
- Safety Measures
- Overview of Pharmacovigilance
- Review of Safety Information in Japan
Class: RMP
- Risk Management Plan (RMP)
- Pharmacovigilance Activity
- Pharmacovigilance activities utilizing Real-World Data in PMDA
- Risk Minimization Activity
Class: Labeling
- Overview of Labeling Information (Package Insert)
- E-Labeling system in Japan
Class: Risk Communication
- Risk Communication Tools
- Dissemination of Safety Risk Information
Class: Post approval clinical study surveys
- Basics of Epidemiology