Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

International Activities

Asian Network Meeting (ANM)

About ANM

Introduction of ANM

ANM is an unofficial, high-level meeting of drug regulatory authorities from Asian countries (the first meeting was held in 2017). ANM aims to share information on common issues related to pharmaceutical regulations in Asian countries and achieve regulatory harmonization and convergence within the region.
It is the only high-level meeting for regulatory authorities to discuss pharmaceutical regulations in the region and plays an important role in strengthening cooperation among Asian countries.

ANM is co-hosted by Japan, China, India, and Singapore.

Partcipating Countries

Japan, China, India, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
(Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare and PMDA participate as Japan)

Activities of ANM

Past Meetings

Date Title Venue (format)
April 2024 The 6th ANM (summary[173.58KB]) (Note 1) Japan (Hybrid)
April 2023 The 5th ANM Japan (Hybrid)
April 2022 The 4th ANM Virtual
April 2021 (Note 2) The 3rd ANM Virtual
April 2019 The 2nd ANM Japan
October 2017 The 1st ANM Japan

Note 1 The summary is posted from the 6th ANM, in which there is a consensus of participating countries to make summary of the meeting public.
Note 2 No meeting was held in 20 due to COVID-19