Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Post-marketing Safety Measures

PMDA Alert for Proper Use of Medical Devices (for patients)

"PMDA Alert for Proper Use of Medical Devices (for patients)" aims to explain important issues concerning medical devices, such as malfunctions of devices, to patients in an easy-to-understand manner with illustrations and photographs. While such issues are already noted in package inserts or other related materials, sometimes it is necessary to further remind patients to use the devices properly.
Please note that some of the information contained here may be too specialized for patients. If you have any questions about the medical device you use or other devices related to those described in this page, make sure to consult with a healthcare professional.

No. Posted in Title
1 July 2020 For patients who use a ventilator, etc. at home and their families or other caregivers [286 KB]