Pmda - Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency

Regulatory Science/The Science Board/Standard Development

PDG Stage 2 Official Inquiry

PDG (Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group) Stage 2 Drafts

Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) participates in the PDG to work on pharmacopoeial harmonization of general chapters and excipient monographs. The PDG Stage 2 drafts are published to collect the opinions of the JP stakeholders. The guide for comment and the comment form are available on the Japanese version of JP website. The comments in Japanese submitted not later than the deadline will be considered for the preparation of the final version.
Note: The PDG stage number for official inquiry was changed from Stage 4 to Stage 2 on April 1, 2018 in compliance with the Working Procedures of the PDG, Revised version 2.0[76.6KB] signed off on September 13, 2017.

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